Sevilla feria de abril

The Feria de Abril, a vibrant and happy fair, is the most popular celebration in Sevilla, Spain. The majority of Sevillanos spend the six days and seven nights dining, drinking, and dancing with friends. Celebration is in full swing and there is a lively mood among the crowds. The Feria de Abril is unlike any other fair and the festival usually takes place two weeks after Easter. Most of the events are held at the Recinto Ferial, where the entire city gathers.

Want to make sure you don’t miss this experience? Book a football trip to Seville and come to this festival!

Why it is celebrated?

The first Seville festival was held in 1846 by an entrepreneur and his wife who wanted to hold an annual fair. The fair soon attracted a significant number of Sevillians, who in their exaggerated style made it their own. After a while, the livestock stalls disappeared, and the festival gradually evolved into a place to dine, drink, dance, and have a great time. As a consequence, the Feria de Abril grew rapidly over time to the point where the original fairgrounds were insufficient. Nowadays, Seville’s April Fair has its own fields that are reserved exclusively for the event and are only used for this one week each year. It has become one of the biggest international festivals in Spain and the world since then.


Monday at midnight is the set time for the Feria de Abril’s formal opening in Seville. Then, the tens of thousands of lights at the entryway leading into the Feria grounds start to shine: this is known as the “alumbrao” (Spanish for “lighting”). When all the lights are on, the April Feast is declared open, and the celebration can start.

Color and joy fill the city as horses with jockeys, riders, and carriages stroll gently through the streets. To enjoy this incredible festival to the fullest, tourists can rent a horse-drawn carriage and take advantage of the many attractions.


Warmth and enthusiasm permeate every aspect of Sevilla FC games as well. One of the most frightening stadiums in Europe is the club’s, which is painted in striking red and white. The heat is felt throughout your entire body, especially when the entire arena sings “Himno Centenario” just before the starting signal.

What do you wear?

The traditional attire is worn by many women and some males. For men, this is the traje corto, or short suit, which consists of fitted pants and a short, fitted jacket with a wide-brimmed hat. This is particularly appropriate for those riding horses or operating carriages. Women wear the traditional traje de gitano, also known as the gypsy suit or flamenco dress, which is frequently brightly colored and accessorized with a comb, jewelry, manton (fringed scarf), and fan.

During a football match, the majority of the audience is usually wearing in Feria de April costumes, with the other half sporting team jerseys and/or colors!

Rebujitos, Andalusiam Ster and more…

Seville’s festival revolves around eating and drinking. The locals spend their time hopping from Caseta to Caseta, sampling the dozens of hot and cold dishes on offer. All festival-goers should try the succulent Jamón Ibérico de Bellota from Jabugo (a small town in Huelva province). If you’re lucky enough to experience Seville Fair inside one of the Casetas, you may be able to try Andalusian Stew.  It may also be oxtail stew, or another local version, usually consisting of chickpeas and spinach or cod. The food is served throughout the entire nightlong celebration.

The Seville April Fair is also famous  for its rebujitos. A lime or lemon flavored soft drink is mixed with wine fino or manzanilla (dry sherry). To this, fresh ‘hierbabuena’ (a type of mint) leaves are added.

Anyone can access the fairgrounds at any time and partake in enjoying the food and drink; there are no entrance restrictions or fees.

La Calle del Infierno (Hell’s Road)

La Calle del Infierno, which translates to “Hell’s Road,” is the name of the neighborhood where the Feria’s entertainment park is situated. More than 500 activities are held within this sizable space, which is roughly 64,000 square meters. A perfect carnival awaits you there, complete with rides, food stalls and even a circus! Especially if you’re traveling with kids, this is the perfect place to spend some free time.

In addition to the standard rides like the big wheel, bumper cars, and a roller coaster (sometimes even more than one! ), there are also tombolas, a bingo hall, the camel sprint, the water guns, and many other attractions. It’s true—there’s even a circus with performers, trapeze artists, animal trainers, and a ton of animals! During your football trip to Seville, you have plenty of time to visit this amusement park.

During the fair, it is usual to meet and celebrate with others, and you will always be welcomed into a booth to take part in the friendliness and festivities of those around you. This is a very special and significant festival that you must experience once in your lifetime. Prepare yourself to have fun, laugh, drink, and dance when you arrive.

So don´t forget to make it a part of your Seville football trip planning!

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